Saturday, April 19, 2014

My Journey Update

I have been silent on my blog.  Not because I am not continuing my journey.....the busy life of working, studying and embarking on this journey has limited my time.

Another reason I haven't blogged recently, not that I thought this would be why, is because my journey has been going ahead very well and positively.  I guess I felt I had nothing to blog - crazy me, however I have started many so watch this space....  My initial blogs were about my fears in embarking on the journey, the reasons I was fearful etc.

After I achieved my first goal, running the peak to park, I had a whole new mindset - a positive one full of enthusiasm and motivation.  I have continued to run consistently since then about three times per week.  I am still not quite able to run 5km without some walking however I have come a long way and am on track to achieve my second goal towards fitness, 10km in July!!

There has been a big change in my diet too - I have had no coke zero for 6 weeks - for those who know me well will understand the achievement that is for me!!!   On top of that I am now drinking three litres of water a day!!!

In achieving these goals, my mind is so much more positive and has pushed me forward.  I have some great encouragers too.

I am now in the midst of a very low calorie diet/detox which involves supplements also.  I have always struggled committing to these diets but having achieved a couple of goals I believe nothing is impossible.  I have a friend who is also doing the diet (she has nowhere near what I need to lose), but she has been an amazing encouragement.  There is another taskmaster I have who is holding me accountable!  At times it can be annoying but the high expectations ninja warrior sets makes me more determined than ever.  My goal is to make sure he has to say that "I did well"!!!  I love the challenge of a high but attainable bar.  I have set the bar but by sharing it others are holding me accountable to it.

I feel that having blogged my fears and fully trusting God to assist me, has been the reason I have been able to proceed on the journey.  Spiritually and physically I am in a better place than I was three months ago.

I am a long way from achieving my ultimate goal but feel I can and will accomplish them.

Do I still have bad days of doubt and fear - absolutely, they are becoming less.  The physical exercise has helped my stress levels particularly with regard to work but the biggest difference has been having those moments with God each morning after being physically refreshed, they are priceless and everyday he gives me something special.

Somedays just being in his creation as morning breaks is so amazing, seeing the sunrise as I plod along, the moon fading as the sunlight takes over, the birds chirping in the trees - I cannot not help but reflect on How Great Is Our God.  

A recent devotion really encouraged and pushed me forward 

It's amazing how many gifted people there are who just sit on the sidelines of life and do nothing. They never take a step forward to use the gifts God has given them because they don't believe they're gifted in the first place. Are you one of them? 
The truth is, God has given each one of us gifts, talents and abilities. He has a great plan for you and has equipped you to do great things for His Kingdom. But until you see yourself the way He sees you and trust Him to enable you to use your gifts, you won't live up to your God-given potential. 
If you're struggling with low self-esteem, a poor self-image and lacking confidence, I want you to know that God created you with amazing potential. And when you trust God and believe you can do whatever He says you can do, you will fulfill His destiny for your life. 
Remember, "all things are possible with God." When you put your confidence in Him, you will be free to live up to your potential. 

I want to be using the gifts and talents that God has given me!!  By sorting my health and weight and fixing my self-esteem issues I will be available for God to use even more!!!
Phil 4:13 always comes to mind when I consider this -

1 comment:

  1. Great work Suzanne! It's been exciting to see your little FB morning run posts pop up, and seeing that you are achieving your goals! I've been cheering you on in my heart, saying 'Good on you, Suzanne!', 'Go for it' and 'You can do this!'!! I believe you can, and it looks like you are starting to jump some of those big hurdles. It's great that you are off the nasty coke, and onto lots of water! Keep up the good work... you will win this race!
