I have no energy and it is so frustrating it drives me to tears - literally. I am sleeping pretty well when I get to sleep but at times it is 1:00 a.m. before that happens, which then means my 4:30 alarm is ineffectual - I struggle to get up at 7:30! The feeling of no energy is debilitating and so upsetting I can't even explain.
Exercise has been very little this week and this leads to me internalising that I am a failure. How do I stop this self destruction, it is doing my head in - Prayer of course. I am trying real hard to park my worries and fears at our Almighty Gods feet - but I am human and my natural state is to continue to bash myself up - so I am a work in progress with regard to handing my "burdens" to Him!
I so badly want to get up and push forward but "fear of failure" is becoming a bit paralysing! I could blame time, work and family commitments and they all have a contributing factor but the reality is my biggest distraction or block is my mind! It's my constant battle. I am sick of Satan trying to put "Fear" at the forefront. I want Faith to be my mindset not Fear.
The other reality I have to face today (it's raining so I am spending time reflecting, praying sand trying to get sorted in my mind), is to release some issues I am actually angry about and hand them tto God. I have to acknowledge I can only do so much sometimes and others can pretend they are listening and try and make me feel guilty or bad but in the end I cannot change their point of view. The issue becomes their problem now not mine. Even as I write those words I am pounding the iPad screen because it still makes me angry! Injustice and unfairness sucks (especially when it is underhanded) but I have to hand it to God! I am not perfect and letting go is hard when you see how nasty and unfair something is, BUT GOD is bigger than me and will sort it. Lord take the anger from me, show me what I must do to move forward.
When I feel like this there are knots so tight in my tummy I feel nauseous and that is affecting my diet! Stress, anger and anxiety lead me to SUGAR! If I am honest I am past the anxiety I am in angry phase which is why I know I have to daily, hourly even half hourly hand things to God!
I am truly hoping that my writing my "real" feelings not the facade I have been putting up this week will help me to"LET GO AND LET GOD". The difficulty is because the issue is not directly at me, but my daughter, and that is when I burr up - "Suzanne "LET GO AND LET GOD".
- Literally TRUST God in all things;
- Start moving again;
- Pray, pray and again pray;
- Forgive - whoah - that is tough right now but with Gods help I can;
- Demonstrate love and support for my daughter - I will be there for her;
- Do a food diary;
- Drink more water;
- Try and ditch coke zero entirely;
- Show love to those in my world and embrace those who love and encourage me (and to those that don't);
- Read God's Word;
- Try to overcome the negative thoughts about me in my head! Christ loves me so much I should glorify him and see myself as a reflection of him (wow that is hard Lord I need a whole lot of help with that)!
As I write this gloomy but raw and honest blog there are words that I have typed that I could only put down at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I have to confess writing blogs this week has been tough and I have laboured over them with many tears and prayers.
Things that come to mind are:-
- Can I weather this storm?
- Is it really worth it?
- Am I worth it?
- will I turn my health and well being around?
- Will writing these feelings so honestly help?
- Is Christ enough?
Overwhelmingly, some may choose to laugh and scoff, the answer is YES! God will carry me through. My Faith will prevail and I WILL get happier and healthier.
Wow even writing that down creates tears of joy and an excitement starts bubbling up because in the deepest parts of my mind and soul I KNOW
I honestly find it amazing the scriptures God puts before me. As I wrote the sentence above I opened my electronic bible which each day I open it a verse comes up - here is today's
"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are. (1 Peter 5:8, 9 NLT)"
I am conscious that this blog has been negative and it's a reflection of where I have been at, however I must say it has not been all gloom and doom, I have felt the Lord's presence with me each step of the way, it doesn't mean I always feel great but I feel comfort that he is indeed there - his promise is true
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for The Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6.
On a positive close I am thankful to God that my daughter has some good friends and in the end those that do wrong will be found out. (Yes a bit of anger still there!). But the youth she is involved in have been so encouraging and she has joined the Worship team - Thank you Lord :)
I have struggled with publishing this! Thank you for all the encouragement I have received.
I have struggled with publishing this! Thank you for all the encouragement I have received.